This Week at St. Stephen’s (Announcements, Sunday Assignments, 2-Week Calendar)
Click the heading above to download a PDF of our latest weekly bulletin notice. This information is sent out by email on Thursday or Friday and included in Sunday’s service leaflet. It includes announcements, Sunday service assignments (lectors, chalicists, acolytes) and a two-week schedule. If you are not receiving these by email on Fridays and would like to, please contact the church office. (For more news, schedules, and information, check out the posts on our home page or our parish calendar.)
Name Tags Are Available in the Rear of the Nave (the Church)
Please remember to wear yours. (If you don’t have a name tag, talk to a vestry member about getting one!)
Now Available in the Great Hall
- 2016 offering envelopes for those who have returned pledge cards or who make regular gifts to the parish. (If you have not turned in a pledge card and would like envelopes, please call the parish office.
- 2016 flower donation calendar (on bulletin board). Suggested donation for Sunday flowers is $50. Easter and Christmas flower donations are handled separately.
- Latest issues of Forward Day by Day (devotional)—in tract rack.
- 2016 Episcopal Church Year Guide Calendars ($2.00 donation).