Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! As we approach another election day for the United States, Indiana, county, township, and city, we are again invited to attend to the way our society is ordered, primarily through the election of specific persons to offices and in direct ballot initiatives. This …
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! In this week’s gospel, King Herod begins to crack up as he remembers what he did: he had someone kill John the Baptizer and put his head on a platter to fulfill an open-ended promise to his daughter. Its a weird, tragic story, full of emotions and our own moral …
General Convention
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! This coming week, Episcopalians from all over the world will gather in our neighboring state of Kentucky for the General Convention, the triennial gathering of the church. For some people, it is a great big festival of the church with excitement and …