Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! It doesn’t take much to stir a hornets nest, does it? But there is something about the language of crisis that discourages thoughtful and generous conversation. Particularly the nature of why we might construe our conversation itself as a debate between opposing …
Jesus for President
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! I’m writing this to you before Election Day in the United States, and as the people anticipate its outcome, we are reminded to look past a president for our leadership. Shane Claiborne recast the traditional political statement for us in a book of the same …
How would Jesus vote?
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! Last week, I spoke to the idea of politics and religion—that we have to continuously work through what the relationship between the two is supposed to be. For our second Rector’s Forum this week, we will explore the idea of what Jesus thinks about politics—and …