The challenge of stumbling into Matthew 18 without its context is that we get the point Jesus is trying to make completely backward. Proper 18A | Matthew 18:15-20 There are two reasons why people completely misunderstand this passage. And misuse it. If these slim verses were …
Saying hard things
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! This week’s gospel tackles one of the trickiest things for many of us. How to say something we don’t want to say to someone who needs to hear it. Some want a script. Tell me what to say. Some want the courage. Tell me that I actually can do this. Some …
Being Changed
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! As we gather each year for Ash Wednesday, we are invited to keep a holy Lent. Not because we're bound to make it unholy, but because we need the reminder. It begins by reminding us that the early Christians were reminded that this is a season of …