Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! Perhaps the most common way we conceive of leadership is in the singular. There is a leader. They do things, say things, and otherwise have responsibility to at least one other person or some group of people. In this vision, there is a leader and …
Leading + Following
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! Last week I was reminded of a short video about leadership: "First Follower: Leadership Lessons from a Dancing Guy". The visual is of a crowd on the lawn at a concert. It is clearly an outdoor ampitheater. The footage is shaky, cellphone stock. And what we see …
We’re trying a couple of new things
1) A new seating area! Two Sundays ago, we moved our coffee hour to the Cloister Room, a more intimate space toward the front of our building. The Great Hall was already prepared for a Mother's Day brunch and we certainly couldn't cancel our coffee hour! Those of us who sat in the comfortable …