Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! Perhaps the most common conversation in Lent is about discipline. About what we choose to give up or take on. How we are marking the time and what personal rules we are setting for ourselves. And because this is the most common conversation, I try to make other …
A Word: True Abundance
The return of temptation is a reminder of what our resistance to temptation is really about. Keeping faith in a life full of hope. And resisting our temptationsLent 2B | Mark 8:31-38 I still get chills when I read this passage. Peter, God love him, can’t stand the idea that …
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! I have long championed the use of words we might not fully appreciate. Words that have either lost their true meaning or those that have been narrowed by the way some would use them. Discipline is one of those words. It brings to mind self-control and …