We are worshipping in the building and online. Check out our worship calendar to see upcoming services, times, and any possible changes.
Daring Reads
conversation about Life After Doom by Brian McLaren
Information and Zoom link
Holy Week
Palm Sunday (4/13)— 10:00 only, with palm procession
Maundy Thursday (4/17) — 6:00 pm
Good Friday (4/18) — Noon
The Great Vigil of Easter (4/19) — 8:00 pm
Services on April 20
8:00 am — Holy Eucharist
10:00 pm — Holy Eucharist
8:00 am – Service
In-person and in the church.
10:00 am – Service
In-person and in the church. The service may be livestreamed to our Facebook Page. (Facebook account not required) Video may be uploaded here after the service is finished.
Noon – Service
In-person and in the chapel. A less formal gathering centered around lesser feasts and fasts.
Sunday, 3/23 – The Third Sunday of Lent
Video may be uploaded after the service. To watch live, visit the Facebook Page. (Facebook account not required)
Sunday, 3/16 – The Second Sunday of Lent
Video may be uploaded after the service. To watch live, visit the Facebook Page. (Facebook account not required)
Streaming with permission under One License A-702948. All rights reserved.
- Give online
- make sure you include in the subject line:
- “St. Stephen’s – Terre Haute”
- Serve with Manna from Seven
For more reflections and services, visit our YouTube page!