We believe we are all called to love and serve one another and the world, just as we love and serve God. We are also called to give of our time, our talents, and yes, our money as a grateful response to the lavish gifts God has bestowed on each of us. But what we do specifically in answer to this call varies according to our interest, our abilities, and our sense of calling. Here are just a few ways that we at St. Stephen’s have found to serve God, each other, our church and our world. Is there a place here for you? Click on the links to learn more!
Sunday Service. . . actively participating in worship, Christian formation, and fellowship when we gather together. This can involve anything from serving at the Lord’s table to helping with kitchen cleanup. |
Serving One Another. . . through the Prayer Circle, the Crafty SewNSews, the Lay Weeders, or one of many service organizations and committees. |
Reaching Out. . . sharing God’s love in practical ways to our community, often in partnership with organizations such as the Salvation Army and United Campus Ministries. |
Opening Our Hands. . . to share what we have, including money. Stewardship isn’t just “supporting the church.” It’s a matter of understanding where both our treasure and our hearts are. |