It’s easy to read this gospel and think it is about Peter’s lack of faith. But that is reading it completely backwards. Why we secretly love doubt more than faith Claiming a mustard seed faithProper 14A | Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28, Matthew 14:22-33 So which do we go with: attempted murder or …
A Word: Listening
The Transfiguration is not merely an event: it is a turning point in the work of teaching Jesus has been doing. and keep listeningEpiphany Last A | Matthew 17:1-9 Six days later. Nothing says “middle of a story” like starting with a reference to this happening six …
A Word: Legacies
Jesus invites fishermen to become disciples. To accept the transformation of their lives. Which is the point. Accepting Jesus’s Way of LoveEpiphany 3A | Matthew 4:12-23 If you came here hoping to hear about fishing, you’re going to be disappointed. This is not because I have anything …