Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! This week’s gospel confronts how we approach the very ordering of our world. And while that could be said of literally any other passage in scripture, there’s a particular reason this one is so biting. Money. Jesus confronts us about money. And this reveals …
The Rector's Blog
Mercy and “the real world”
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! I’m frequently asked about “doing” the work of Jesus in “the real world”. Sometimes it is skeptical—suggesting the way of Jesus is good theory, but not practical or even realistic. And sometimes it is optimistic—suggesting that it sounds good, but we …
Saying hard things
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! This week’s gospel tackles one of the trickiest things for many of us. How to say something we don’t want to say to someone who needs to hear it. Some want a script. Tell me what to say. Some want the courage. Tell me that I actually can do this. Some …