Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! This Sunday, we begin a new liturgical year again, with Advent, the four Sundays that precede Christmas Day. The themes for Advent involve anticipation, waiting, preparing, which are themes abundant in the culture this time every year as people prepare for …
A Word: A Misplaced Monarchy
Jesus and the problem of authorityProper Last B | John 18:33-37 When we last gathered on Sunday, we heard Jesus announce a terrifying future, what scholars call “The Little Apocalypse” of Mark. I had prepared a sermon for it, even recorded the audio, before that foul beast named COVID …
A Reminder
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! This week I had the unwelcome reminder that COVID-19 is still around and kicking. I may have picked it up at Convention or Starbucks, but nonetheless, I had it and it laid me out for a day and made my nose drip for three and even now that I can go out, I’ll mask …