How we witness and embody our faithThe Presentation of Our Lord | Luke 2:22-40 Last week, we were in the synagogue, remember? That gospel was from Luke chapter four. Jesus had left the wilderness, where he was tempted by Satan with power and Jesus keeps throwing it back at him. Is that …
Creative Leadership
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! It is with great gratitude that I give praise to those who make this, our 185th year as a congregation a time of great joy and anticipation! At our annual congregational meeting of the church, we elected new vestry members in Jennifer Berry, Don Bryan, and John …
A Word: Why we’re afraid to listen
Jesus and a Jubilee LifeEpiphany 3C | Luke 4:14-21 Last week, we took a detour into the gospel of the evangelist we call John. But now we’re back in Luke and it is full and so very prescient. When we were last in this gospel, two weeks ago, we had the baptism. If you’re …