After thoughtful discernment, the vestry has called eleven persons to serve on the search committee to call a new rector for St. Stephen's Episcopal Church. The vestry considered those nominated or who volunteered for service as well as envisioning an "ideal" committee. Such a committee, it was …
Do you have a garden or farm you would like blessed?
The Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before Ascension Day (or convenient times around then) are days of special intercession called Rogation Days, originally associated with the blessing of the fields at planting and to ward off threatened disaster. Please contact Rev. Mary if you’d like your garden or …
Tag Sale Update—It’s time!
Thanks so much to those of you who have signed up to help with the Tag Sale. This is the big week, leading up to our sale Friday evening and Saturday morning. Remember that this is our biggest annual outreach program, with proceeds going directly to the Salvation Army summer food pantry! A few …