Look at these people. See how much fun they're having? You can have fun too—by volunteering to help with our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper on March 2. Volunteers are needed before the dinner (at 4:30) to set up and prepare food and drinks, during the dinner (5:30-7:30) to …
Search Committee Update
The Rector Search Committee met on February 10. The committee is preparing for February 19, when Canon Debra Kissinger will attend the meeting and present the applicants to the committee. We have created drafts of the questions, assessments, and other tools we will use in evaluating each candidate. …
Church Office Closed Feb. 5 and (maybe) 6
From Dennis Dieken, Parish Secretary: "St. Stephens Parish office will be closed tomorrow, February 5, and may be closed Thursday, February 6 [due to the predicted winter storm]. As you know, our Interim Rector is away for Continuing Education this week, but can be contacted by cell phone in the …