As we approach Lent, I’m actually excited this year. Excited that this season actually makes sense to me. And hopefully it will make sense to you, too. I used to have a love/hate relationship with Lent that was much more of the hate than the love. All the somber tones, the need to punish …
Ministry to the Homeless in Terre Haute
Sandy Bush and Deby Veach volunteered last month as part of the annual homeless census, serving chili and peanut butter sandwiches at Fairbanks Park and passing out blankets to the homeless in Terre Haute. The Homeless Coalition will be meeting every other month starting in February to look for …
Calling All Knitters and Crocheters: Ministry on the River and Gulf
It's time to start knitting and crocheting hats and scarves for the Ministry on the River and Gulf. What is the MOR+G? It's an outreach that offers pastoral counseling, support and fellowship to the thousands of professional mariners at work on board towboats, offshore vessels, harbor tugs, buoy …