Read: Psalm 34, Isaiah 61 To catch up, read the previous posts: Spend Less and Give More. It is very easy to look at religious faith as a tool for being a good person. Do this. Don't do that. Make these particular choices. Avoid those. Be prudent and wise and everything will work out for you …
Advent 2 – Give More
Read: Isaiah 9:6-7, Ephesians 1:3-10 To catch up, don't forget to visit last week's post: Spend Less. This time every year, I think of the French philospher Jacques Derrida. Weird, I know. But stick with me. Derrida named the inherent problem with giving gifts: their unspoken obligations. If …
Advent 1 – Spend Less
Let's be honest. We know we shouldn't buy so much stuff. Deep down, we all understand it. How can we who follow the Christ who told a pious young man to give up everything he owns still think we can fill our lives with more stuff? We who talk about "putting the Christ in Christmas" also camp …