Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! I don’t speak often of sin, but when I do, I dig into it! I find the public vision of sin feels a lot like Goldilocks — we’re either saying too little, too much, or, if we're lucky, its just right. And the same goes for what we talk about when we talk about …
A Word: Without Sin
the implicit bias that clouds our judgmentLent 3C | Luke 13:1-9 “At that very time there were some present…” We’re starting today in the middle of a conversation, a big teach-in with Jesus. And what we don’t hear as we dive into this moment is what Jesus was teaching when some …
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! I’ve taken to appreciating the word repent. Primarily because it is a word Jesus uses. A lot. And it’s a word he associates with his mission — a mission that grew out of John the Baptizer’s mission. Many of us have bad associations with the word. And the …