This weekend Rev. Mary and I were talking about St. Stephen's Church and what it means to me. She suggested I write about something that is special to me. Easter Sunday 1865, the Sunday school presented to the church the silver chalice and paten we use weekly except during Easter & Christmas …
Coming Soon—St. Stephen’s Cookbook
Robin Willis and John Salamone, under the direction of Deby Veach, are planning a St. Stephen's cookbook, which we can sell to raise money for the parish. Please start thinking of favorite recipes you would like to include in the cookbook. There will be sections for entrees, side dishes, …
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper—Volunteers Needed!
Look at these people. See how much fun they're having? You can have fun too—by volunteering to help with our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper on March 2. Volunteers are needed before the dinner (at 4:30) to set up and prepare food and drinks, during the dinner (5:30-7:30) to …