We thought we were there, but we're not there yet. On May 11, our search committee presented a candidate to the vestry, who resolved to extend a call to this chosen candidate. Before that call could be extended, however, the committee and the vestry were notified that the candidate had accepted a …
Tag Sale Report
Thanks so much to everyone who stepped up to make our 9th Annual Spring Cleaning Tag Sale a success. Expenses and a few donations are still out, but we made approximately $1350 for the Salvation Army Summer Food Pantry. That's a lot of soup and peanut butter for kids who normally get subsidized …
Easter Breakfast: Keeping the Tradition a Little Differently This Year
This coming Easter Sunday—April 20—we will enjoy our 32nd Easter Breakfast tradition together. All are welcome to attend what has become a treasured tradition for us. Much will be the same: The time: approximately 9am The place: the Great Hall The menu: delicious egg and sausage casserole, …