Rarely does a week go by when I don't hear that something conflicts with Sunday morning worship. The work week is seven days long. Extracurricular activities and sports consider Sunday just another day they can use. I've known elderly parishioners or those with parental care responsibilities to …
From the Senior Warden: Search Committee Update
After thoughtful discernment, the vestry has called eleven persons to serve on the search committee to call a new rector for St. Stephen's Episcopal Church. The vestry considered those nominated or who volunteered for service as well as envisioning an "ideal" committee. Such a committee, it was …
Waycross Camp Reminder
Waycross Camp is a summer program of the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis, continuing a camping tradition that has been a valued offering for the youth of the diocese since 1957. Many of our campers come back year after year, eventually sharing their experience, skills, and fellowship in a …