If you would like to make a financial contribution to help in with relief for victims of the Oklahoma tornado, please make your check payable to "The Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma." In the notation line write "Tornado relief." Send checks to: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma 924 North …
Offering for the Salvation Army: Suggested Items for May 26 and June 2
When taking last week's offering to the Salvation Army on Monday, James Willis asked them what they were running low on. They pointed out three items, two of which people can not use assistance to buy. Accordingly, we suggesting the following: May 26: toothpaste and toilet paper. June 2: …
Changed Your Contact Info? Be Sure to Let Us Know!
Whenever your contact information changes, please remember to notify the church office. This includes dropping a landline, adding additional cell phones for family members (if they want their info known!), or any changes in Internet contact (new preferred email, new provider, etc.). …