Do you have young people in your household? Are you a godparent or sponsor of one of our young people? Do you enjoy sharing your Christian faith and encouraging our young people in theirs? Are you interested in supporting our ministry with and for young people behind the scenes? If you …
MealTrain—A New Tool to Help Us Care for One Another
Part of our mission as a church is to care for one another, especially in times of need. We already do this in many ways, but we'd like to try out a new way to coordinate help for individuals and families in our midst. is an easy-to-use website that allows those in a short-term stress …
Rector Search Update: Chairs Chosen, Q&A Session June 23
The Search Committee has already begun their work on the search for our new rector. They have met for a total of eight hours as a group. In that time they have worked closely with our search coach, Meribeth Kassmaul, to engage in community building, understand the search process, and make leadership …