In Matthew 4, we see how Jesus redefines discipleship in light of power and the greatest threat to all of humanity: the desire for supremacy. the call to the extraordinary way of loveEpiphany 3A | Matthew 4:12-23 I’m sure there were more than a few people here who heard the names …
A Word: Beyond Baptism
In John 1:29-42, we have an alternative call story–one that opens up the possibility that Jesus came to offer different leadership. The life Jesus offers is about freedomEpiphany 2A | John 1:29-42 Our gospel this morning opens with sight. John the Baptists sees Jesus and his …
A Word: Beloved
As traditions go, baptism is pretty straight forward. And just like everything else, we often lose track of the point: God. God, grace, and seeing baptism again for the first timeEpiphany 1A | Matthew 3:13-17 That’s a weird story, isn’t it? Some weirdo in camel’s hair is dunking …