Palm Sunday helps us see that the story isn’t about greatness or even weakness, but of facing an uncertain future through the grace of God. Palm Sunday and the glory of GodPalm Sunday | Matthew 21:1-17 On his way to Jerusalem, Jesus tells the disciples a parable. One that we …
Holy Week Services
This year, Holy Week is shaping up to be a new experience for everyone. But we at St. Stephen's want to ensure that you have as much opportunity to observe this time as possible. Here are a few ways for you to do that. Join us Online All of our public services are streamed through Facebook …
A Word: Unbound at Home
The raising of Lazarus gives us the perfect window to see beyond the present crisis, to see how God’s grace and freedom persists. freedom persists beyond the crisisLent 5A | John 11:1-45 Can I just say, this is a crazy gospel to read during a pandemic? “This illness does not lead to …