Dear Ones, this is a moment! Yeah, a lot of it feels the same as the last moment. This extended Pandemictide has the feeling of unending sameness, eerie familiarity, and expectant change that makes it all and underwhelming at the same time. But let us not fall under the weight of …
The Epiphany Proclamation
Dear friends in Christ, the glory of the Lord has shone upon us, and shall ever be manifest among us, until the day of his return. Through the rhythms of times and seasons let us celebrate the mysteries of salvation. Let us recall the year’s culmination, the Paschal Triduum of the Lord: his last …
Christmas 2
Warmest Christmas greetings! I hope you and yours are having a joyous and hope-filled Christmas season! The day after Christmas Day is a special day for us. It is the Feast of Stephen. Stephen is remembered as the first deacon and martyr. And he serves us as our patron saint. So what does it …