Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! This Lent, we have begun a process of discernment I've called What Is Our Tomorrow? We're using the book We shall be changed as our guide for exploring the questions that the pandemic has brought to bear in our common life together. In Week One, we reflected on …
For Lent I
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! When I was a kid, I loved Lent. Not because I'm super into penitence or the morbid curiosity.of death. No, I loved Lent because it meant potlucks on Wednesday nights and potlucks always included KFC. So, while some people associate fried fish on Fridays with Lent, …
For the Last Week of Epiphany
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! Next week kicks off the season of Lent: a time of fasting and penitence. Sometimes it seems like we treat it as a time of solemn moping or sacrificial rigidity. The most famous aspect of the season in common culture is that some people don't eat meat or that …