Jesus and the problem of authorityProper Last B | John 18:33-37 When we last gathered on Sunday, we heard Jesus announce a terrifying future, what scholars call “The Little Apocalypse” of Mark. I had prepared a sermon for it, even recorded the audio, before that foul beast named COVID …
A Reminder
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! This week I had the unwelcome reminder that COVID-19 is still around and kicking. I may have picked it up at Convention or Starbucks, but nonetheless, I had it and it laid me out for a day and made my nose drip for three and even now that I can go out, I’ll mask …
A Word: Sharing Joy
A response for even the darkest of timesProper 28B | Mark 13:1-8 Many years ago, I moved in with my Aunt and Uncle in Milton, Massachusetts to go to grad school in the city. I got out there about a week before school was set to start so I could go looking for a job, which was what I …