Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! This week we will gather after the 10:00 service for our annual meeting. The time in which the congregation does its work all together. Most of us are used to sitting there, listening to reports about the last year and then electing some vestry members. There’s …
A Word: Called Beyond Tradition
Being called to follow Jesus is an invitation to change. A process that naturally separates us from all that we called home. And following Jesus todayEpiphany 3B | Mark 1:14-20 What an image! A guy walks up to working fishermen and says “Follow me and I will make you …
Annual Meeting
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! As we enter the middle of January, many of us are hard at work preparing reports, the budget, and presentations for the congregation’s annual meeting. By canons and custom, we gather at least once per year as the whole congregation to do the work of the church. …