Disciples, Apostles, and Saints!
This Sunday, we commence in the process of preparing the church for Christmas we call “the greening of the church.” We take the name for the live greens we use to decorate our worship space. It is a festive time and one full of memories and connections.
Like all good traditions, it is full of joy and, for some, a small amount of frustration (how else can we speak to the human experience?). We have expectations, visions, a task list. Things need doing. We need help (do we ask for it?). Visions need making real (do we share them?). Heck, we even have expectations for being given work to do, which is work itself—coming up with tasks and organizing them! This all can feel like a lot when we think it is a lot. But we don’t have to see it that way. Nobody is forcing us to. We could see it instead as opportunity and fun: blessing. We can embrace the spontaneity of creativity and with the reminder that there is so rarely a “wrong way”. In fact, wrong ways are so scarce, the likelihood of finding them is infinitesimally small. You have a far greater chance of lucking into something beautiful when you try!
Each year, we gather two or three days before Christmas to decorate and feast. We stream Christmas music, decorate, eat a potluck meal, and prepare for the big feast of the Incarnation.
Join us Sunday, December 22 after the 10:00 service for fun and blessing.
With love,