We know what to do
Advent 3C | Luke 3:7-18
This is an important story to engage with. A story that reveals just how fertile the ground is for Jesus’s ministry. How dissatisfied people were with the status quo—their lives, their communities, their tradition. And it is probably anachronistic to put it this way, but it seems almost as if they are living in a time in which the systems of the world which are supposed to protect them don’t seem up to the task. The king is supposed to be devoutly religious and a good leader and he is neither. Religious leaders aren’t able to provide for the spiritual or material needs of the people. And signs of Roman occupation are everywhere.
People were so fed up by this, they sought freedom from it. I suspect many of us can relate to that.
And the image of the moment unspools a more vivid example as people left the safety of cities, where walls and proximity protect them from wildlife, to seek out a prophet preaching in the wilderness. …
The full text may be found here.
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