Disciples, Apostles, and Saints!
There is nothing more elemental to the Christian life than worship. It is how we respond to the marvels of creation, how we orient ourselves to God and one another. And it is how we stay connected to Jesus’s Way of Love.
So then, what goes into worship? How do we approach it? For many, it is simple: we show up. For church or for prayer. We break out our book or walk into the building. We center ourselves and just do it.
For others, however, that sense of showing up is less intuitive. Or perhaps a source of confusion or discomfort. What if I do it wrong? we say. How do I know if I’m doing it right?
Perhaps it comes from a sense of true newness. What goes into our life together on Sunday? And how can I attune myself to that pattern? Or maybe there is a lack of clarity of what we are supposed to do outside of Sunday morning. Surely our practices as Christians go beyond the worship service!
Where ever you are on your spiritual journey, I want to help us focus on what goes into our participating in worship. How we can prepare to read in church, carry the cross, or greet people to be with us. And how our life of common prayer extends beyond the Sunday morning and into our lived, real lives. Join us for two short workshops next month: May 5th and 19th, at 11:30 am.
With love,