Jesus offers a different vision for us
Easter 4B | John 10:11-18
The good shepherd is a popular image for Jesus. It is the inspiration for one of our most prominent windows. Take a look. Jesus is holding the tiniest little sheep.
What does it inspire? Comfort? Support. Love.
The image of Jesus as the good shepherd has been an inspiring one for centuries.
If you were to take out your pew Bible and look up this passage—from John 10—I’d encourage you to scan everything around it.
In chapter eight, Jesus intervenes at the attempted stoning of a woman. He foretells his death and confronts many of his own followers. Because they are committed to the way things are.
Then in chapter nine, Jesus gives sight to a young man who was born blind. And those zealous supporters of power interrogate the young man and his parents. They think he’s a liar, demonic. They poison the proverbial well and isolate the young man from his own home—and into the arms of Jesus.
And then Jesus speaks to the contrast between good and bad. Calling himself the gate and those other teachers, thieves who try to break in and steal. When this image doesn’t take with the disciples he tries another. The good shepherd.
The full text may be found here.
For a limited time, you may find the audio here.