Sometimes what we see in the world isn’t real. Or more precisely, real in the way we imagine it. Because we aren’t actually listening.
The gospel of listening
Epiphany Last B | Mark 9:2-9
The main character this week doesn’t seem to be Jesus or Peter or a disembodied heavenly voice. The main character of this gospel story is confusion. And its costar: fear.
And what we struggle with, even in the reading of this, is how to actually follow Jesus when things are rough.
Like, say, in the midst of a budget deficit. An election year. Or personal stuff going on in our lives.
There are times (and it might be now) that we feel confused. Scared. Angry. Outraged. Or hopeless, separated, lonely. And junk just happens and we don’t know how to respond to it. Because we think there is a right thing to do here.
That feeling—of confusion and not knowing what to do in it—is the centerpiece of our story. And it’s why we, like Peter, won’t even know why we get it wrong.
So let’s dig in.
The full text may be found here.
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