Disciples, Apostles, and Saints!
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”
—John 1:5
In this season after Epiphany, our work is looking for the light—to be light chasers. Seeking out how God’s light breaks through, where Jesus is present, and where the Holy Spirit guides us.
We describe this in the church as our “calling”. It is something that God has given us to do; a way that we have been given to walk. Some refer to it as our “deepest why.” As in Why we do the things we do.
The question always boils down to “How do I know?”
This is an essential question—and one that requires deep discernment. But I don’t think it should be our question just yet.
This season is about seeking the light itself—in all of its appearing. So our calling isn’t to calculate the dark or the volume of the light. But to find the light, rejoice, and share how God’s love is manifest in our world.
So let us celebrate the light! In who we are to one another. To our neighborhood. And to all people.
With love,