Disciples, Apostles, and Saints!
This year’s stewardship campaign theme is “Rooted in Abundance,” a theme which seems particularly timely.
The experience of early 2020 was sudden and dramatic. What happened right at the start of the pandemic? A toilet paper shortage. Right at the moment we were invited into common struggle, we had people literally fighting over rolls of TP. As much as we are people of abundance, what we saw with our eyes and felt in our hearts was scarcity.
It almost doesn’t matter that the scarcity would be momentary. Or, in a greater sense, illusionary (remember how people discovered bidets?). That feeling of constriction and fear mixed with existential dread to form a toxic cocktail we might call We’re Never Gonna Make It Through.
I bring this up because we did make it through. And in spite of supply chain problems and corporate opportunism, we are still here, doing the work of Christ in our community. Our very real challenges may be colored by illusions of scarcity, but our faith is indeed rooted in abundance. That God’s work needs doing. And we are uniquely called to do our work.
I encourage you to enter into this thanks giving season with joy, faith, and hope. That our work in this neighborhood is plentiful, our gifts are bountiful, and that what we offer is necessary and effectual. And all of it comes from the foundation of Christ’s love for us and faith in us. May we be as generous as the one who gives us everything.
With love,