Disciples, Apostles, and Saints!
This past Sunday, we gathered with Kristin White, Canon to the Ordinary for Congregational Development and Leadership (and bishop-elect of the Diocese of Southern Ohio!) who led us in a vision conversation.
We ate together, celebrated a generous time together, and shared in a simple exercise to help us connect with our identity and vision for the future. Next, I and our vestry will gather with Jen Phelps, Transition Minister, to go over what we saw and heard this week and begin to put words and goals for the future. A process that I look forward to!
What I saw was hope. A sincere sense of hope for the future, for our lives, and for St. Stephen’s.
I saw joy, anticipation, and common ideas.
And what I didn’t see was outdated expectations or attachment to our own desires over common ones (i.e. “my way or the highway”).
We did some very good work together, communicating deeply in a very short amount of time. And we did so with great generosity—to one another and to our common mission.
Our time together was a true common vision of hope, care, and community.
With love,