Disciples, Apostles, and Saints!
The final week of Lent is known as Holy Week. The week begins on Sunday with Palm Sunday and culminates in a tradition called the Triduum: a three-part service which begins in the evening of Thursday, resumes on Friday at noon, and concludes on Saturday night with the Great Vigil of Easter.
If you’d like to mark these services with us, our service times are as follows:
Palm Sunday — 4/2 @ 8 & 10 am (livestream at 10)
Maundy Thursday — 4/6 @ 6 pm, church (livestream)
Good Friday — 4/7 @ noon, church (livestream)
Great Vigil — 4/8 @ 8 pm, starting in the chapel (incense will be used)
Easter — 4/9 @ 8 & 10 am (livestream at 10)
As Holy Week is the culmination of Lent, we continue our practices of self-examination, self-denial, and study. I suggest reading through a gospel in one sitting at the beginning of the week or follow along with the events of each day in the gospel. This lectionary cycle features Matthew, which means reading parts of Matthew 21-27 each day.
With love,