Disciples, Apostles, and Saints!
We are now in the Easter Season; a time marked with white stoles and alleluias!
For those new to the liturgical calendar, it can be quite interesting to see that we don’t just celebrate Easter Day. Nor do we celebrate the time leading up to Easter as a kind of “pre” Easter. What we have is a season of Easter that runs for 50 days and culminates with Pentecost.
Living into a season rather than a single day takes a real adjustment in thinking. But more than that, I think, is that it requires us to slow down and let the richness and excitement breathe a little more.
Much like Christmas is really twelve days and we are called to resist the impulse to tear down the tree on Boxing Day and “get back to normal,” Easter’s lengthy time of celebrating the resurrected Christ invites us into a posture that requires a healthy dose of resistance. To resist the impulse to normal.
Because in the Resurrection, normal got changed. And the people going back to that other normal were walking in the wrong direction.
There is so much for us to wrestle with. Transformation and change. Christ’s way of love evolving and shifting under our feet. The way forward for us now being different from what it was just a few years ago. All true. None of it easy. And yet, not one bit of that is new. Because Easter is a season, right? And we are in it!
With love,