This Sunday we will gather after the 10:00 service for the annual meeting of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church.
If you’ve never been to an annual meeting, it may seem like a strange introduction to the church. But I assure you that you are welcome to join us, whether you’ve been a part of the church for half a century or this is your first Sunday. We have Square Donuts, coffee and tea, and childcare available.
What can I expect?
The annual meeting is (usually) the one time per year the congregation comes together to do its main business. The rest of the year, the business is taken care of by the vestry and the rector.
But don’t expect a stuffy business meeting full of boring votes and droning announcements. Well, OK, there might be some of that. But that isn’t all we do.
We’re a church. And this is our mission:
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church is a community striving to understand God’s Word, growing in faith, and serving the needs of others while welcoming all to share in joy and fellowship.
It isn’t Jesus, Inc.! We’re a community striving and growing and serving and welcoming! Our work throughout the year is built around these actions of love. And this is the day we remember who we are.
What do we do?
You’ll hear about the year that was and the year that will be.
You’ll receive reports about the budget, worship, formation, fellowship, ministry, and property.
We’ll elect new leaders and send off our outgoing leaders with joy and thanksgiving.
We’ll celebrate the friends who have come to be with us during this time in their lives and we’ll remember our friends who have died.
This is a celebration and accounting of what it means to be a church.
Seriously, am I invited to your annual meeting?
Yes, you are.
I know it’s not a normal person’s idea of fun, and sometimes it can be all sorts of overwhelming for a newcomer. But I assure you that you are welcome.
This is how you see what people really value and how the congregation sees itself. This is the best way to learn about some of the stuff we do and forget to tell you about otherwise. It’s like finding out about the secret clubs without having to ask!
This isn’t a private meeting; there are no secrets. If you think about it as a way to learn a lot about the church really fast, you can learn tons.
Do I have to come?
If you’re a guest? No. But have you heard that you’re welcome to? At least swing by the Great Hall and get a donut.
If you’re a member? Yes. Please! The updated bylaws say we need at least 35 members and I really want us to have a quorum!
Maybe we need to sick the outgoing vestry members on you…without a quorum, there’s no vote…they’ll be stuck in place…
Just come anyway! Sit, join us for a little while, pretend to throw spitwads at the rector, whatever.
You are welcome and encouraged to come. And know that there is room for you at the table.
Grace and Peace,