They rise in the darkness as a light for the upright;
they are gracious, merciful, and righteous.
It is well with those who deal generously and lend,
who conduct their affairs with justice.
For the righteous will never be moved;
they will be remembered for ever.
Psalm 112:4-6
This theme of generous living runs throughout scripture. We saw it a few Sundays ago when we read the parable of the lost sheep and lost coin. We were reminded, not only of living life with care, but with generosity; not just thoughtfulness, but with hope.
And then?
Throwing a party! Celebrating what was found!
In my own life, I’ve known generosity in the midst of struggle as well as anxiety in the midst of opportunity. I have watched some of the most faithful people give with such gratitude and I’ve wondered how I could possibly get a little bit of their joy in the midst of such personal sacrifice.
I still wonder. But I keep trying. To find out. To give.
This week will mark the kickoff to six weeks of reflection, praise, and giving thanks. A time many in the church know as the annual stewardship campaign.
I encourage you to read along with our weekly handouts.
Speak with one another about the ways GOD has been generous to you.
Reflect on the relationship between generosity and justice.
And pray for guidance. For yourself and for St. Stephen’s. For wisdom and hope. For love and generosity. That we reflect the very life of Christ.
Grace and Peace,