Every January, communities across the nation participate in a “point-in-time” count of sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons on a single night. The Department of Housing and Urban Development requires this annual count, which helps determine what funds are available to help the homeless in our community.
Sunday, January 26, we have an opportunity to help by donating items to be distributed to homeless persons during the count—to help persuade them to participate and to help them keep warm during this cold winter. Please bring the following and put them in the collection baskets at the rear of the church (ask an usher if you don’t see them):
- warm socks, gloves, hats, and other clothing items
- $5.00 gift cards to local fast food restaurants (preferably 24-hour stores) so the homeless person can get inside to get warm and have a sandwich or cup of hot coffee.
Items will be brought forward with the rest of our offerings, then bagged up and taken to Lighthouse Mission for distribution on January 30th
Important: Volunteers are needed for the count also. See Deby Veach for more information.