Looking for a place to serve at St. Stephens? We’re looking for volunteers to fill three current needs for our congregation:
Vestry Member: On February 2, three members of our vestry—Gene England, Linda Airhart, and Bill Denton will complete their three-year run. They now comprise the nominating committee to find their replacements—three parishioners to serve from 2014–2017. If you are interested in serving (or think you might be), please speak to Gene, Linda, Bill or any vestry member. The congregation will vote on from a list on nominees at our February 2 annual meeting. Click here to learn more about what vestry service entails.
Wiggle Relief During Worship: Sometimes our services are just a bit too long for our littlest parishioners and visitors to sit through. So we’re looking for volunteers to provide care for these little ones during the time of the sermon and prayers—about 20 minutes—on an as-needed basis. “As needed” means being ready to watch for the Sunday when needed and just step in, taking the children into the cloister room or great hall as the sermon begins and returning them at the Peace. We would like a rotation of at least two but preferably more parishioners who are willing to be “on call” to meet this need. In time this may evolve into a form of children’s service. Please see the Interim Rector if you think you could help.
Database Customizer: We’re looking for someone someone familiar with developing reports from database programs. The built in directory format included in our parish database needs to be customized to truly produce a usable directory. Please see the Interim Rector if you have skills that could help us here.