After thoughtful discernment, the vestry has called eleven persons to serve on the search committee to call a new rector for St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. The vestry considered those nominated or who volunteered for service as well as envisioning an “ideal” committee. Such a committee, it was determined, would include the following:
- vestry representation—2 vestry liaisons for a varied perspective
- men and women in a wide range of ages,
- representatives from our 8 am and 10 am services,
- cradle Episcopalians as well as those recently confirmed,
- long-time members, those who have come to us recently, and those who have returned to our parish after time away,
- those with children at home, those whose children grew up in the parish but are no longer at home, and those without children.
- Kellie Adams
- William Allen
- Elinor Balensuela
- Don Bryan
- Sandra Bush
- William Denton
- Diann McKee
- John Murray
- Darrell Roundtree
- Kim Wagley
- and Robin Willis.