Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Easter Season began last week in all its glory. Please join me in thanking those who quietly did so many tasks to make Holy Week and Easter Sunday memorable: flower arrangers, the choir and musicians, many lectors, acolytes (especially Zach Willis), ushers, sacristans, cooks, photographers (especially James Willis), and all who lent their affirming AMEN to the entire event.
Most especially, I must thank Dennis Dieken, who wears three hats as organist, choirmaster, and parish administrator, and Bill Denton as head sacristan and breakfast host. Preparing for Holy Week and Easter is always a heavy load, and a new priest with her own observations and liturgical ways added lots of additional conversations to the planning. The questions and occasional pushback helped me clarify my vision of our traditional liturgies set in your space at this time. It truly was a work of the people.
I loved all the bells during the alleluias on Sunday morning. They’re common at the Vigil, but bringing them out on Sunday morning was new to me. Thank you for that! Most important is always that our liturgies serve as journeys toward God, engaging our spirits. Was there a moment that especially engaged you? I’d love to hear about it. Stop by, give a call, or send an email.
The Holy Spirit is up to something here at St. Stephen’s. Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia!
Shalom, Mary-F